Equipment Supplies
Aids to Daily Living
Bathroom Safety Products
Diabetic Medical Supplies
Durable Medical Equipment
Inconvenience Supplies
Mobility Walkers
Ostomy Supplies
Wound Care Supplies
Other Medical Supplies

Equipment Supplies
Aids to Daily Living
Bathroom Safety Products
Diabetic Medical Supplies
Durable Medical Equipment
Inconvenience Supplies
Mobility Walkers
Ostomy Supplies
Wound Care Supplies
Other Medical Supplies
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Other Services

Nursing Services
We provide patients with health promotion, counselling, and education. administering medications, wound care, and other health interventions.

Meal Preparation
We come to a client's home to prepare and cook food in their home. We also work with clients to create an appropriate meal plan, considering all dietary restrictions.

Bathroom & Inconvenience Care
Incontinence and incontinence care are two subjects of conversation that no one likes to talk about. These are both difficult and sensitive issues, but the results are clear.

Medication Reminders
One of the most important aspects of care is mediation reminders and medication management, which is defined as ensuring the clients' prescriptions are being taken with care, at the appropriate time and in the right dosage.

Bathing and Grooming
There are many everyday activities that can cause trouble for the elderly, including all the little things that go into bathing, grooming, dressing, and taking care of personal hygiene.

Companion & Respite Care
Broadly speaking, the idea of respite care comes from acknowledging that caring for other people can feel like a full-time job – and that caregivers deserve a break.

House Keeping
Our housekeeping service includes disposing of rubbish, cleaning dirty surfaces, dusting, and vacuuming. It may also involve some outdoor chores.